Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Morning People

The ordeal of exams has been over for nearly a week now. The horror that be seven exams in three days has passed- time to relax. Right?

So why am I getting up at 5:00 a.m. tomorrow for an hour and a half of a cardio-vascular intensive workout?

Because I love my dad- lots. And apparently, bonding at the YMCA is more meaningful than say, a chat over caffeinated beverages.

Speaking of, I'm going to be needing alot of them this week.


Anna said...

Why not workout and then caffeinated beverages???

Yay, glad to see a post here again. I thought of you today because I was in the Apple store and I saw that cool pad/pen thing that lets you draw on your computer! And now I sound like I'm five.

Have a good time with your dad. :)